


Boo hoo -- I was feeling sorry for myself last night. Now I'm embarrassed that I even shared it. Thanks for the support everyone who caught it. Love ya! Maddy


Lisa said...

maddy. we all have days, weeks, months like those!!! tonight we talked in fhe how the scriptures can help us and one thing was what to do when someone hurts us. the scripture was the one about loving your enemies. the kids and i agreed that was a hard one!

hang in there--things will get better and even out. everyone always told me that having an odd # of children was the hardest. so i guess you just need to have #4 and everything will be fine! lol

Lisa Brown said...

What you wrote really sounded so farmiliar. I felt that way for almost a full year - between having a new baby, a tough calling, my husband being almost nonexhistent because of his job, I was really struggling with daily life, and that is when satan swooped in trying to destroy my self worth, and it was working. The only thing that saved me was getting on my knees and praying until I felt better. I also had some long talks with my husband, where he would remind me of all the things I was doing right, when all I could see were my many inperfections.

Once I finally brought the spirit back into my daily life, I realized that although I cannot have everything perfect, I can little moments of perfection. My house might not all be how I like it, but maybe my bedroom was clean, etc. It helped me have more realistic expectations for myself. I still have hard days, but I feel like I was able to shake the depression that was knocking on my door for all that time.

I hope you feel yourself again soon, becuase from all I see and all I remember, I know that you are amazing :).

PS. One thing I had to do was distance myself from a friend who was constantly dragging me down. Things are fine between us now, but during my most fragile time, she was often hurting my feelings or adding to my lack of self worth. It was sad, but necessary.

Ammon said...

Hey, have you read my blog lately? I'm totally in a funk (except I called it a rut)! Also, I didn't get the baby blues with Wesley until he was a year old. Maybe you're experiencing something like that.

You continually amaze me! I look at you with such admiration. Trust me, this phase will pass and you will be back to super-mom and super-woman in no time!

Anonymous said...

Always make a better tomorrow by letting go of what has happened today!

Kaelene said...

OOPS! I forgot to sign my name on that last comment!
A friend of mine shared that quote with me, and sometimes, it is the only thing that makes getting out of bed in the morning worth it! I just try to do as President Hinckley said, "Be a little better."

Janel said...

Well you KNOW I'm gonna put my 2 cents in!!! LOL I'm so sorry you have been still having a rough go of it. Being a SAHM really does seem like such a thankless job for SOOOO long, but then the lights start coming up and all the work you have been putting in behind the scenes starts showing up and it can be very fulfilling. I have hit what I thought was rock bottom so many times, one time it lasted for way too long and I even contemplated going to talk to someone about medication. It was so bad that I think Mark was truly afraid I was going to repeat my mothers history (it was really bad) I was just so down on myself and couldn't shake it. When he said that to me (about my mom) I REALLY lost it. It was a huge wake-up call. I realized what my inner feeling of worthlessness were doing to my kids (the yelling, the crying, the overreacting that I'm sure I had been doing) and the general bad mojo flowing around because I felt like crap. There is only one source for those kinds of feelings, and that is just Satan trying to bring us down as mothers because how we feel and act affects so many in such a major way. It is so easy for him to try to make us feel down, but once I discovered the source of the feelings, it really changed a lot of things. I still have some major flaws and I'm certainly falling short in many important areas, but there is light at the end of hte tunnel now.

I think you are right on that you are just adjusting to find what you can and can't expect from yourself, but you will be back on top soon! I promise!

laura said...

i missed it but it sounds like you had a bad mom day! um, we have all been there, and of course you know it always gets better! hope today is a better day. (((hugs)))