


I'm taking a break from some deep cleaning right now. I actually feel like I am always deep cleaning. Am I the only one? When did it get to the point that a little bit of cleaning every day no longer sufficed and everyday involves toxic fumes and rubber gloves?

Anyway, the cleaning is BAD since I wasn't really home at all last week/weekend and my kids were raised in a barn apparently.

Some highlights and by that I mean things I actually have pictures for:

Blue & Gold -- The best part of being Primary President is that I get to go to all these fun events that normally I wouldn't be invited to. Not that I won't have my fill of Blue and Golds in about 5 years! The theme was Chinese New Year and since it was the Year of the Rat, the boys had some fun decorating their cake for the cake contest.

Funky hair -- Ellie and I both had some funky hair this week. I filled in last minute for a play for Enrichment where I played the part of Amy Brown Lyman. She was RS President during World War II, so Janel was sweet enough to do my hair all 4o's style. It looked AWESOME! She is so stinking talented. The girl can do everything.

Ellie is obsessed with curly hair, so this weekend I did her hair in little curls. She thought she was so fancy.

Birthdays -- Brynley had a little birthday party on Saturday, where Nate got to put the moves on her.

And Molly had a birthday yesterday, so I had a great excuse to try birthday cupcakes again. They turned out much cuter and Mer gave me the tip to try the Cake Doctor cook book to try some funkier flavors. Has anyone heard of this? The premise sounds pretty neat -- you start with a basic cake mix and add ingredients to fancy it up. Let me know the good recipes too if you've ever used it.

Deliciousness -- While Ellie was in dance on Monday, Nate and I went to Target where I let him pick out a cereal as a treat. Of course he picks out the cereal that has a NASCAR car on the front which turned out to be Reese's Puff Cereal. OH MY GOSH! It is delicious!!!! It tastes like dessert. Usually we stick to oatmeal, cheerioes and for a treat: frosted mini wheats or Life. But that sugar-packed cereal is so good! Am I missing out on any disgustingly sugary cereal that I must try?


Chelsea said...

Several things...
Yes, daily deep cleaning is sadly part of our life lately too. Let me know if you figure out what happend!
I need to look into this cake thing. I am a tad slow today...I need to go to the website.

Cutest hair pics on Miss Ellie. Where is your picture of yourself?! Way to go Nate for scoring with the ladies! :)
And lastly.....yummy cereal! Life is a treaty cereal for you?! That is a must on our daily eating list.
(And congrats on the new crockpot. I am laughing at the visual you painted because that so sounds familiar!! And I am jealous about your toaster. I have good feelings about our new purchases!)

Kaelene said...

Maddy, I love to read your posts! And you always have the cutest pics of your kids! Thanks for taking a cleaning break to share with us!
And, I am now going to HAVE to try Reese's Puffs! I have heard from MANY sugar cereal gurus that they are SPECTACULAR!!

Maddy said...

K- soooooo good! Even Sadie likes them and that girl won't eat anything.

Chelsea -- added a link for you.

Chelsea said...

Thanks! :)

Chelsea said...

Okay. Checked it out. Sounds cool. Have you seen the 101 thing to do with a cake mix recipe book? I know they sale it at Deseret Book. Okay, I'll leave the comment section to other people now! :)

Nicole said...

Maddy, I used to eat that cereal every morning my freshman year of high school! YUM! YUM! do you guys do the strawberry frosted mini wheats?? YUMM!!!

Unknown said...

Oh- we bought a box of Reese's Puffs last week. That was my "dessert" four nights in a row. Sadly, I'm over the Puffs about now. One box in four sittings does not equal a happy mommy tummy. ;)

The birthday cupcake looks adorable!

Chelsea said...

an email?! Why not a comment on the blog? Sick of my comments! :)
My mom and sisters all have it and I have always just snuck recipes out of theirs.

Kerry said...

Recees little puffs of death!!!!

Peanut alert! Peanut alert!

I LOVE the little knots on Ellie's head! You'll have to show me how to do that. Megan has curly hair today too. She went to get her hair cut yesterday and had it french braided by somebody who is capable of doing it. (Not me for sure!) So this morning we took the braids out and she thinks she's a movie star. I took a picture before school today. :)

Oh, sweetie and I know what you mean about the cleaning. Rubber gloves just sit on my counter because they get used every day. If you don't smell bleach... it isn't clean. Haha! That's my motto!

swampbaby said...

Well, I will divert from the overall opinion here that deep cleaning everyday is a normal occurance. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!?!? There are lots of other things to do!

Love the hair pics. I always want to fix my niece's hair when I see her because I never get to do fun things like that.

I'm not much help in the sugary cereal department, although my kids always go for the Lucky Charms if I let them pick out a treat cereal.

Anonymous said...

Is this obsession you have with sugary cereal b/c your mother wouldn't let you have it as a child? What's wrong with rice and kim chi for b-fast?
Love the kids and love you too! Mom

Unknown said...

I am totally addicted to Reese's Puffs!!! Seriously, I can't buy them or we eat them all in like a day. They are a treat for us and lately (being pregnant and all) I just can't resist them ;D Love ya, Girl!

Meredith said...

We just finished off a box of those! We love em! And, i will admit, I like most sugar cereal. Frosted mini-wheats are still my favorite healthy cereal - (I still call that healthy with a hint of sweetness) but I really do dig most sugar cereals.

Oh, and cake mix doctor - there is a chocolate cake that has pudding and sour cream in it. I also add chocolate chips to it and it is delish! I can't remember the recipe name since I gave my book away and need to get a new one.

Another tip - the best cake mixes for it are the ones that DON'T already have pudding in the mix or the super moist ones. I am pretty sure Duncan Hines are the most basic mixes.

Nielsen Family said...

Never had that type of cereal...we are boring! Got to try some for sure! I have pancakes or oatmeal for my kids:( Cooking them is a pain!
Hey, love those rat cakes...actually makes me want to not eat them!
Love your mom's comment about Rice and Kim chi! See they are Koreans in
white bodies! heh heh heh.... Tell her hello for me por favor.
PS: I would love to visit you guys and take your kids pic.
Check out my website and give me some comments. Have not made it public yet.
Love you all!

Janel said...

Hey thanks for the shout out on your blog! :D You even featured my rat cake. Wooo hoo!

I dont really love peanut butter "flavored" stuff so I'll skip the Resses puffs, but Mark LOVES them. Are you telling me you've never had Cookie Crisp or Cinnamon Toast crunch?? CTC is one I rarely buy because the Costco sized box is gone in 3 days around here.

We'll have to have Ellies hair damp when she gets her birthday braids so she can be a rockstar on the day after :D

laura said...

love the fancy hair styles!

ugh - i can't do sugary cereals - maybe froot loops but that is pretty boring. i'm a raisin bran girl! :)

Molly said...

Yep, Maddy, there are so many good sugary cereals on the market! When I am pregnant I especially love to indulge! Andy is always grossed out and says we never had that as a kid, maybe that's why I don't like it. I say, we never were allowed to have it as a kid either, that's why I love it sooo much!!

sandra said...

Maddy.. hey I'm thrilled I found ya! Looks like you're the same 'ole Maddy I know & love from the BYU days! Ok...darling cupcakes in a jar. I saw them somewhere but wasn't sure how they were done. Do you actually make cupcakes and split them up.. or just cut circles from a sheet cake? I would love details! Thanks! Sandra (Paul) Stapley

Molly said...

I can't believe I forgot to mention how amazing those cupcakes were! Seriously so cute, and they tasted so good. I will never be so creative! Thanks Maddy!