Sadie is still the cutest little baby ever. She is so easy going and sweet. We are constantly amazed at how much she gets into! We don't even need a dog because we have Sadie. She is plenty happy to crawl around the floor hoping someone left a scrap somewhere. Even if it's just a piece of paper, she'll be happy. I constantly have to swiffer and vacuum because she'll put anything in her mouth. Even Dustin's toe.
She is pulling up and cruising around on all the furniture and gets herself trapped in all sorts of crazy places. At 8 months I finally moved her out of her 3-6 month clothes into 6-12. Progress! She's such a tiny little thing, but that makes her even better to squeeze and cuddle. This last picture is for all the people out there who say Sadie never makes a sound and is always perfect -- which is pretty close to the truth. This is Sadie on Sunday when she didn't get a morning nap.
How do I get one of these? Look at that pout!
sorry - but she's adorable even when she's grumpy! :)
Love the pouty face! 8 months and pulling herself up? 6-12 month clothes??!! My kids are HUGE!!! They can barely crawl at 8 months. It takes alot to pull that weight around!
I think I've seen that pouty face before on her mother! That's why it's even more adorable. Cute cute kids ;p
she's so cute! and when she pouts i bet it looks just like you when dustin doesn't make you breakfast! LOL
This is a weird thing to say but you have THE CUTEST kids when they cry! I know, they are cute when they don't cry too, but your kids crying just melt me. Sadie looks exactly like her sister on the first day of school. It's the exact same face! Love little big man in his tie too. So grown up!
That is the cutest sad face!!
She's so flipping cute!
Are you still making her do tricks?
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